Massimo flaccavento

Alpine Guide 1L
Volcanological Guide

Founder of Sicily Mountain Project
Co-founder of Ashara Etna & Stromboli Guides
Languages spoken: Italian/English

About Me

Born in Sicily, specifically in Ragusa, I began discovering the mountains and their charm as a child.
First and foremost, I am a mountaineer and a great enthusiast of everything that nature generously offers me. It is no coincidence that I chose to live at the foot of the highest active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna.

The great Sicilian mountain, in addition to being my home, is the place that inspires me the most and from which I draw the vital energy that animates my every action.

Scalata in sicilia con neve

My Story

I start climbing in Sicily at the age of 16, immediately venturing onto many never-before-climbed rock walls!

Massimo Flaccavento guida vulcanologica
At sixteen, I began my journey into the mountains embracing rock climbing, at a time when climbing in Sicily was still an unexplored path. As one of the pioneers of climbing in Sicily, I didn’t settle for the island’s rocks alone; my thirst for freedom took me beyond national borders.

My passion led me along the longest routes on the island, from the Alps to the borders of Europe, where I experienced the exhilaration of the Andean air.

These adventures enriched my life and revealed my true calling: to become a guide.

Born under the Sicilian sun, I’ve been fortunate to live in an era of discoveries. Thanks to the support of dear friends, I’ve had the privilege of being among the first to climb many previously unexplored walls. These ascents on mountain ranges and the most fascinating cliffs of the island deepened my love for climbing and for showcasing my beloved land.

The mountain, with all its facets, is my great love. From sport climbing to classic mountaineering, from trekking to winter ascents in high mountains, I seek to live intensely every moment that this wonderful opportunity called life offers me. This is my passion, my daily adventure, and I want to take you along on this journey with me.

My Experience and Training at Your Service

My personal experience has allowed me to evolve and acquire skills in various outdoor activities. This journey of growth has led me to turn my passion into a profession. Naturally, all this was possible only after undergoing specific training courses and obtaining the necessary technical qualifications. These qualifications allow me to practice my profession in full compliance with the law across the entire national territory.

I am a regular member of the Regional College of Alpine and Volcanological Guides of Sicily. As a professional guide, I primarily operate in Sicily. My work, which ranges from rock to snow, takes place throughout the island. It is here that I want to take you, to discover a land that is still relatively unknown from an alpine perspective.

Sicily is a land of contrasts, vibrant with vitality, yet rugged and wild. At the same time, it boasts a profound and captivating beauty.

I look forward to welcoming you to Sicily to share this adventure with you!

Arrampicata tradizionale corso base

Do you want to climb with me?

Arrampicata su roccia

Rock Climbing

Climb with me. Together we’ll choose the walls that best suit your experience.
Corsi arrampicata in sicilia

Climbing courses

Climbing courses for beginners and experts looking to improve their skills.
Alpinismo Invernale

Winter Mountaineering

I’ll accompany you to the stunning peaks of Sicily to experience winter mountaineering on the island.
Discover the Hikes with Ashàra
Ashara escursioni etna e stromboli

Book your hike on Etna or Stromboli

If you want to discover the hikes we offer on the most beautiful volcanoes in Sicily, visit the Ashàra website and choose your favorite.